So, you want to lose weight huh? You've tried real hard to lose weight yourself, but can't do it on your own? You tried counting carbs and still wanted some bread? Well guess what. You've come to the right place. And, you can still eat your bread!
1. Figure Out How Many Points You Can Have
Weight Watcher's calculates your age, height, and weight to figure out how many points you can have in a day. You can figure out how many points you get daily using this method:
1. Gender:
Female- score 2
Male- score 8
A nursing mom- score 12
2. How old are you?
17-26- score 4
27-37- score 3
38-47- score 2
48-58- score 1
over 58- score 0
3. What do you weigh?
Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds.
(for example, if you weight 198, you will add 19 to your score)
4. How tall are you?
Under 5’1- score 0
5’1-5’10- score 1
Over 5’10- score 2
5. How do you spend most of your day?
Sitting down? score 0
Occasionally sitting? score 2
Walking most of the time? score 4
Doing physically hard work most of the time? score 6
Additionally, you are allowed 35 “fun” points per week, if you wish to use them. This is good for when you have that day where you just want to eat unhealthy food, or are going to a party where you know there will be food.
Here is an online tool you can fill out to figure out how many points you get also.
2. Calculate how many points are in the food you eat, and keep a journal
Use sites that contain nutrition info and look at the labels on the back of your food. Below is a link to a free online points plus calculator that I use to figure out points for my recipes when I don't have my Weight Watcher's tool available.
Online points plus calculator:
Here is a free online points calculator for figuring out the points plus in your food.
Weight Watcher sites and or recipes:
15 Sites with Weight Watcher Points Plus and Nutrition Info
Free Weight Watcher Recipes for Dinner
Weight Watcher Recipes for Breakfast
Zero Point Foods
For even more Weight Watcher recipes click on the Weight Watcher Recipes link at the top of my page! I have over 300 on this site. 🙂
3. Don't forget to exercise!
Exercising counts and can be used towards your weekly points.