Not everyone knows that blended fruit has points, who follows the Weight Watchers plan, but when you add fruits to smoothies they count as points. On my Instagram page I asked if there's anybody who still counts smoothies as zero and it sparked quite a debate. Some people didn't even know that smoothies are more points even though fruit is zero. What gives?
According to Weight Watchers, whole fruit and smoothies both enter the body differently according to chemistry. This info comes directly from the Weight Watchers site.
Research shows that liquids don’t promote the same feeling of fullness as solid foods do. 1. When you drink something, it eliminates the act of chewing which may impact the signals between the belly and brain 2.This means that the smoothie or juice you’re drinking will not promote the same amount of fullness between meals as eating the fruit might.
But this smoothie or banana ice cream will be gone in a few sips. The result: you may get hungry sooner and be more likely to eat more later.
So, what’s the bottom line when it comes to smoothies?
When you drink something, it eliminates the act of chewing which may impact the signals between the belly and brain1. This means that the smoothie or juice you’re drinking will not promote the same amount of fullness between meals as eating fruit might2. Whereas here when you are eating the ice cream with a spoon, you are experiencing the act of eating, and are less likely to over-indulge. - from WW Canada site.
Can I eat too much fruit?
If you're afraid that fruit will make you fat think again. Overeating any type of food makes you that way, so if you're eating like truck loads of fruit each day then yes you are eating too much fruit.
Should I still count smoothies as zero smart points?
This is your opinion and you should eat what you like. Everybody's body is different and it's still ok to enjoy a fruit smoothie every now and then. Don't be afraid to eat them. I love banana ice cream. Hope this post helps!
How many points is banana ice cream?
Banana ice cream is ZERO points and here is what WW has to say about that. Check out the article link below. WW explains in their post why a sorbet or ice cream like this is considered zero. Any toppings or add-ins to your ice cream will be more points.
Basic 0 Points Banana Ice Cream + Five different flavors
Erin Bunn says
I love all of the ideas
Nadine Elhathat says
how many points is the banana ice cream?